to the anon wanting ongoing sweet pea fics, i’ve just found an amazing one that is regularly updated on tumblr. i don’t know if you want to post this or not or add it to the list of recommendations but its called BAD OMEN by sweetpca and it is so captivating and well written i love it xoxo

Ahhh, YES!

I absolutely freaking love Bad Omen and I’ve already got it on the list! Cal and Sweet Pea are seriously one of my favorite couples now, they’re just too cute and there’s all this tension, and yes. Just yes. Lee has done a beautiful job with them, and I can’t wait to see where it goes! So excited.

Thanks for the recommendation!



Extra, Extra! Read All About It!

Okay so, for my own state of mind, and because a few of you have asked if I happen to have any story recommendations that involve Sweet Pea, I’ve decided to compile this little list! I’ll try and keep it updated from time to time, reblogging it when I do. All stories that have multiple parts will be linked to the first part published!

(Sidenote: If any of you tagged would like me to remove your story/work from this compilation, please just let me know! No hard feelings whatsoever!)

*It should be noted that most of these, if not all, contain NSFW material. You know the rule, guys. Keep it in mind as you browse!

Sweet Pea; Riverdale

River’s Edge on FanFiction, by @bellamysgirl

Youngblood, by @southsidestella

Walk You Home, by @southsidepea

Bad Omen, by @sweetpca

Sweet Pea’s Sapphire, by @kneesheee

Not Northside Material, by @ju-gg

Nathair, by @randomnesss-of-fandomness

Buttercup, by @shaniahnoel

The Calm Before The Storm, by @welcometo-riverdale

These are all stories that have multiple parts! I’m absolutely certain that I’ve missed some amazing ones out there, not to mention the growing number of one-shots and imagines that are fantastic. If you want your story featured on here, feel free to shoot me a message! Spread the Sweet Pea love, Sugarbabies!