Any hints as to what’s coming up in the next Superman part? I’m so intrigued.

Ahhh, sneaky. 

But it’s been so long, I don’t mind giving up a few details. Faelynne and Malachai are obviously going to find out if sparks fly when they’re left alone together. And, I’ve been giving it a lot of thought, I might just set it up for a possible continuation with the Ghoulies return. 




Please tell me you’re continuing Once Upon a Dream, I didn’t know I needed that fic in my life, but I so do <3 pretty pretty please

You’re too sweet, love! 

I am most definitely continuing it, and the third and final part is almost done. It’s been a long wait, I know, but I promise it’ll be worth it. I hope, lmao. I really didn’t plan for it to turn into what it did, but I’m so glad that so many of you enjoy it!


Are your Sweet Pea fics on hiatus or did you give them up!? :(


Oh no, I’d never just give them up, even if it took years. BUT it’s not going to take years, I promise, lol. Between real life and my muse deciding to take a vacation, I haven’t been able to get my groove back. 

Luckily, I caught wind of some yummy pictures of our Sweetest Pea In The Pod, and I’m definitely feeling some SP love. Mmmhmmm.



hi i just wanna say that you are absolutely fucking amazing and ily like omg your writing is so good too like ahhh i stan tbh you’re fucking awesome and you seem so sweet and nice and i want to be friends but im way too awkward to go off of anon but i envy you and i love you and your writing and you’re just overall awesome and radical and wow you’re writing is amazing, you’re amazing, overall i love you sm and ugh ajdjsiiedk 😭😂😍🐍



You sweet, adorable being! I am smiling so hard right now. And honestly, I’m blushing a little bit too. I just want to hug you!

I promise, you aren’t too awkward to go off anon and be friends! But, if that makes you more comfortable, you can always just send me anons if you like! I totally want to be friends too! Eek!


oh my god oh my god please tag me in superman! you really know how to write sensuality !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aw, Sugarpie!

Thank you so much for the love, I really appreciate it! I always get so nervous, literally every time I write, so I’m super happy that you enjoy it!

Have you checked out my Taglist link in my description? If you have a hard time getting it to work, just send me a DM and I’ll get you on there!



Hi! I recently found your blog and I was reading Once Upon a Dream but while looking for part 3 I didn’t see it? I was just wondering if it was never done or if you accidentally didn’t tag it in the one that I was looking at? I don’t know,, I really love your work though 💓💓


Not to worry, you’re not totally missing it, I have yet to post part three. I just have it place-marked for when I do post it. Whichhh, if I’m lucky, won’t be too much longer. It’s almost done, thank goodness, I just need to get the time to finish it.

If my muse would stop playing hide and seek, that would help too.

And thank you so much, you’re so sweet!


Are you ever going to finish once upon a dream? I’m not trying to be rude I’m just wondering 😂


You’re not being rude, I promise! I keep saying I’m going to get there, and then real life proceeds to step in and kick my ass. Kind of like, you just THOUGHT you’d get to write tonight. Hmph.

But I swear, the third part is in the works. As well as the continuation of my other works. And some random fun stuff. So don’t give up on me!
